Blog | 28th Apr, 2014

Put your money where your mouth is

Last month Desmond Tutu called for an anti-apartheid-style boycott of the fossil fuel industry: urging “people of conscience…to break their ties with corporations financing the injustice of climate change.” And recently Bendigo Bank announced that they would no longer “lend to companies for whom the core ­activity is the exploration, mining, manufacture or export of thermal coal or coal seam gas.”

Now it’s your turn!

This month you can take the first step by putting your money where your mouth is. Join thousands of bank customers switching over to ethical banks.

No matter how much you do to reduce your impact on our planet, if you’re with the wrong bank, your money could still be funding the very things you spend so much time and energy working to change.

Since 2008 the so-called ‘Big 4’ banks have loaned almost $19 billion to coal and gas projects which pollute our land and air, destroy our precious natural habitats and fuel dangerous climate change. And a new report from Oxfam has just revealed that the same ‘Big 4’ have funded companies accused of illegal land grabs, logging and child labour.

That’s YOUR money.

Divestment isn’t just about economic pressure. It builds moral pressure on financial institutions not to fund projects and companies that undermine our future.

Once you’ve switched banks, it’s time to ask some hard questions of your super or investment fund. Then you can sit back and relax, knowing that your money, just like you, is working hard to make our world a better place.

Learn more about making the switch to an ethical bank or super fund >