group-member | 12th Jul, 2016

Greenlink Box Hill

Greenlink Box Hill is a volunteer organisation that works in conjunction with the City of Whitehorse in restoration and management of local flora. Activities focus on propagating plants at our nursery and reestablishing them in their natural habitats on council land thorughout Box Hill.

greenlinkGreenlink operates a community nursery in Wimmera Street, Box Hill North, with indigenous plants for sale. The organisation aims to encourage indigenous planting in private gardens, enhance and preserve the natural environment by propogating indigenous flora; develop an appreciation in the community of the value of indigenous flora; encourage the nurture of existing plant life; and encourage the development of habitats for the increase and migration of indigenous fauna.


Phone: 0479 121 653 (Nursery Coordinator) / 0423 589 409


Address: 41 Wimmera St Box Hill North, 3129