Blog | 21st Nov, 2011

“Increase awareness, give people a reason, and make it easy.”

At the Carlton Eco Neighbourhood training this week I was helping the Eco Champions devise their strategies to share some sustainability messages with residents in the new Carlton Housing Redevelopment buildings, and across the Carlton Housing Estate.

Face to face discussions at “Getting to know you” sessions for new residents, presentations at local community groups, posters and brochures in community languages, and monitoring contamination rates in the recycling bins are the first activities the Eco Champions plan to undertake. Further ahead we can make the sustainability effort part of Harmony Day celebrations in March next year.

Harmony Day is a big event at Carlton and it will be a great way to reach a lot of people. It will be great include the environmental message as part of the celebration of diversity and elimination of discrimination.

The group believe that attracting people’s attention and making the message compelling is one big challenge. Aurora, one of the Eco Champs, made a good point when she observed that her first challenge is making sure that her actions at home fit the messages they are aiming to spread across the community.

And what are the key messages? Overall, that our resources are limited, so let’s all be mindful of ways to prevent waste. Some of the best actions are simple things like having short showers to save water and energy; no plastic bags in the recycling bins; take your own bag when you go shopping; and use a fan to keep cool at home this summer.

Read more about the Carlton Eco-Neighbourhood program

Green up your life. Make changes to your home
