Blog | 26th Sep, 2013

Show you give a fork with a sustainable seafood dinner party!

Let’s face it, no matter how passionate we are about sustainability, it’s tough being that person at the dinner party who asks if the chicken is free-range or politely declines the factory-farmed pork chop.

So how good would it be to have a dinner party where everyone was chatting about sustainability for a change?

Organised by our friends at Sustainable Table, Give a Fork! is the perfect way for passionate people to engage their friends and families with those prickly issues in a relaxed and fun way, without feeling like a (factory-farmed) pork chop.

This year’s theme is sustainable seafood.


Get a group of friends together during 7-14 October and host a sustainable seafood dinner party. Hosts will receive a free host pack bream-full of resources to cook a delicious sustainable seafood dinner, including a Sustainable Seafood e-Cookbook. If the sight of seafood makes you eel, never fear, Vegetarians can still participate (the e-Cookbook features a selection of vegetarian recipes).

Register your dinner party here >



Get your guests hooked on the issues. If you’re worried you might clam up when it comes to the crunch, never fear – we won’t leave you floundering for the facts! In your free host pack, you’ll find sustainable seafood guides for all your guests to get them carping on about sustainability. They’ll be sure to change their tuna once they’ve heard this:

In the meantime you can have all the fast fishy facts fresh at your fingertips right here with Sustainable Table’s sustainable seafood tips.



You’ve wowed them with your knowledge of sustainable seafood, you’ve dazzled them with your radical recipes, you’ve even thrown in one or two fishy puns. But wait, there’s moray! Now it’s time to reel them in. Ask your friends to donate what they would’ve spent on a night out to raise funds for Sustainable Table. Go on, mullet over…prizes will be awarded to the top fundraising dinner parties!

If cooking is beyond you, just check out the Participating restaurants instead! 


Hosts can sign up to host a dinner party and receive a free host’s pack here >