With the November state election looming, the soaring costs of living is set to be a key issue in Frankston.
And the focus would be on decreasing home heating bills through improved energy efficiency and affordable household solar connections.
In the leadup to the election, Environment Victoria (EV) will help Frankston residents make their voices heard on key environmental issues by launching a new Enviro Hub.
EV CEO Mark Wakeham says Frankston residents want lower power bills and more investment in clean energy jobs and training.
“Environment policies will be key to the outcome of the November election.
“The Napthine government promised to improve household energy efficiency before the last election, yet has done nothing but slash environment programs across the board while in government.
“The people of Frankston want better environment policies. They care about the health of the foreshore and wetlands and they want the benefits of household solar and energy efficiency.
“The Enviro Hub will be a place for the people of Frankston to get information and advice on environmental issues.’’
Mr Wakeham says Frankston residents love the environment. More than 600 locals are already engaged with EV’s Southies group.
“EV Southies will work with other environment groups in the leadup to the election to make candidates aware of the issues of most concern to Frankston residents, including the cost of heating inefficient houses.’’
The Eviro Hub will be launched on World Environment Day, at 11am on Thursday, June 5, at 8/14 Wells Street, Frankston. Among those to attend are Mayor Darrel Taylor.