Blog | 25th Mar, 2020

Climate action from home: final call for science-based targets

While we keep our physical distance from each other, staying socially connected is more important than ever. And keeping our politicians accountable – even at a time when they’re under the pump – is also crucial.

COVID-19 has arrived just as the Victorian government is about to set climate targets for 2030. Their decision is supposed to be due by 31 March – six days away. We don’t know how the new circumstances will affect what they decide, or when.

But we do know you want to see the strongest possible action on climate change, and you’ve also told us you’re looking for new ways to get involved online. So here’s something creative you can do on social media this week.

With people staying at home, Friends of the Earth’s Act on Climate collective have come up with a clever action – see steps below.


Get creative and spell out “<1.5°C” from wherever you are and take a photo (check out the examples below).


Post the photo on your social media accounts between now and Friday March 27 with a message to the Premier (why do you want Victoria to show climate leadership?). Remember to be polite and sensitive. We need to stand in solidarity with people who are already sick or have lost their jobs. Comparing the response to the virus with action on climate change isn’t helpful or appropriate at this time.

And one final step…


Make sure you tag Premier Dan Andrews in your social media post! The Premier can be tagged on Facebook by using the “@” symbol and typing Dan Andrews. On Twitter and Instagram, it’s @DanielAndrewsMP.

Use the hashtags #VicTargets and #SpringSt to put the issue on the agenda of politicians and journalists across the state …


Please also tag us so we can amplify your message via our accounts. We’re Environment Victoria on Facebook, @EnviroVic on Twitter and @environment_victoria on Instagram.

Finally, if you don’t have social media and would still like to participate, email your photos to and we’ll share them from our accounts

Here are our favourite examples so far from Friends of the Earth