Media Releases | 24th Aug, 2021

Victorian Liberal Nationals transmission proposal a welcome commitment to renewables

Environment Victoria has welcomed a new commitment from the Victorian Liberal Nationals to secure affordable, reliable, renewable energy by building urgently needed transmission in Western Victoria.

“Upgrading our electricity grid is an urgent priority that will underpin the biggest economic transformation our state has ever seen,” said Environment Victoria CEO Jono La Nauze.

“We’re pleased to see the Victorian Liberal Nationals committing to this challenge and aiming for a future powered by renewable energy.

“With this announcement, both major parties are now backing renewables and the need for new transmission lines in Western Victoria, with competing visions for how to get there.

“Victoria has vast wind and solar resources. Powering our grid with homegrown renewables will ensure we capture the most value here in Victoria, with jobs and investment flowing to every corner of the state.

“Right now, renewable investment is stalled because our twentieth century grid is not up to the twenty-first century challenge of connecting solar and wind around the state. Removing this roadblock is an essential task facing any future Victorian government.

“Nonetheless, transmission lines are major pieces of infrastructure that can have significant impacts – positive and negative – on the landscapes and communities they pass through.

“Any re-routing of the Western Victorian Transmission Network Project must not come at the expense of getting a timely outcome.

“Getting transmission right, and built on time, is a fundamental economic challenge for our state and we’re pleased to see the Victorian Liberal Nationals stepping into this space and backing renewables,” said Mr La Nauze.

Media contacts

Greg Foyster, Media Manager

Phone: 0410879031

Jono La Nauze, CEO

Phone: 0402904251