Media Releases | 20th Mar, 2025

Victoria’s electric households help push out gas shortfalls

Environment Victoria has welcomed the 2025 Gas Statement of Opportunities which shows that Victorian households getting off gas have helped push out forecast shortfalls by an extra year.

The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) confirmed that non-industrial gas consumption in 2024 was down 4.5% on 2023, even with a winter cold snap.

This is partly due to households and businesses switching to electric – but also indicates that gas has become too expensive for some.

Environment Victoria strongly supports the Victorian government’s proposed Building Electrification measures and rental minimum standards which will make sure that all homes can stay warm and reduce their energy bills.

Dr Kat Lucas-Healey, Senior Climate & Energy Advisor at Environment Victoria today said:

“Most of the gas we use in Victoria is for space heating and hot water – tasks that gas just can’t do cheaply or efficiently. Until we fix this waste through electrification, we will be stuck playing catch-up with increasingly expensive sources of gas.”

“The numbers are in – Victorian households are using less and less gas, even with a cold snap last winter, and together they have bought us all an extra year before shortfalls hit. This is proof positive that electrification is foundational to keeping the lights on.”

“Renewable energy doesn’t run out. Gas does. And while supplies tighten, the price goes up.”

“As the gas lobby gets louder looking to protect its profits, the fact is that efficient electrification powered by wind, solar and storage will keep the lights on and prices affordable.”

“Whether it is an environmentally damaging import terminal or a major new pipeline, there are no good options for new supply.”

Media Contact

Kat Lucas-Healey, Senior Climate and Energy Advisor

0404 571 605