Media Releases | 20th Mar, 2025

Environment Victoria welcomes updates to Victorian Energy Upgrades

Environment Victoria today welcomed proposed updates to the Victorian Energy Upgrades program, introduced into parliament this week by the Minister for Energy and Resources, Lily D’Ambrosio.

Victorian Energy Upgrades provides incentives for Victorian homes and businesses to reduce the cost of improving energy efficiency and cutting climate pollution.

The updates will extend the scheme to 2045 in line with Victoria’s net zero targets. They will also ensure incentives can still flow while other regulatory changes are considered, and make the certificate market more flexible. Together these changes will make cutting the cost of living through efficient electrification more affordable.

Dr Kat Lucas-Healey, Senior Climate and Energy Advisor at Environment Victoria said:

“Victorian Energy Upgrades is a proven program that has been driving better energy efficiency across the state for the last 15 years. These updates will make sure it keeps performing on our way to net zero.”

“The proposed changes to Victorian Energy Upgrades will keep incentives accessible to everyone while the strategic review of the scheme is underway.”

Media Contact

Kat Lucas-Healey, Senior Climate and Energy Advisor

0404 571 605