We can do our bit as individuals, and come together as a community with a stronger voice to ensure our politicians truly represent us.
I believe we are all custodians of a global village. We can do our bit as individuals, and come together as a community with a stronger voice to ensure our politicians truly represent us.
Each of us has a responsibility to conserve and preserve our land to enjoy the privilege of knowing our children and future generations can do likewise. Sadly we’re at a point in time where this continuum can no longer be assumed.
The first world values of growth and profit have gone into overdrive to the detriment of the third world and the environment. We have a lot to fix in a short space of time. I can’t stand by while all this happens. Grass Roots activism is the best way to elicit change from the community up and never underestimate what a group of committed and passionate volunteers can do! All it takes is an idea….