Blog | 7th May, 2012

Stand up for a Safe Climate future for our kids

We love Mother’s Day because at heart, it’s a big ol’ celebration of love and life. We celebrate our mothers who brought us into this world. And we also celebrate our grannies, aunts, sisters and carers who have shaped the people we are today.

But while we normally shower our loved ones with prezzies and praise, we thought we’d put a twist on the gift giving and ask for a little more than flowers and cards this Mother’s Day.

A group of Gippsland grannies have written an open letter to our Premier, asking him to leave a safe climate future for their children and grandchildren. Because at the rate we’re going, the world we leave our children will be far lesser than the world we inherited. So they’ve asked him to take urgent action to cut pollution, protect our environment and support clean energy jobs. And they’d love you to join them.

So whether you’re a mum, granny, aunt, teacher, or carer, we want all women who love and care for the Victorian community to sign this letter, because the best gift we could possibly get is a safe and healthy future for our kids.

So sign on, and send it around to your friends and fam who fit the bill.

Join the action >



PS: The boys are of course allowed to sign this one too! We all love are care for our kids and their future, so please join this group of lovely Victorian ladies in taking action.

PPS: If you’re looking for a green gift for Mother’s Day, check out our green gift guide