Let’s be honest – there’s no glossing over the fact that the Coalition’s election promises on the environment were far weaker than the other major parties. They don’t support replacing Hazelwood, or the draft Murray Darling Basin Plan. And they want to reintroduce cattle grazing in Victoria’s national parks.
Thankfully the Coalition did promise some positive environmental actions such as greater water efficiency and water recycling, improving the star-rating of existing homes, returning water to the Yarra, Thompson, Murray and Snowy Rivers and supporting a target to reduce Victoria’s greenhouse pollution by 20 percent by 2020.
You can bet that we’ll be holding the new government to account to these promises and working flat out to get them to change those policies that will send us backwards. In forming the new government the Coalition took on the ethical and legal responsibility to safeguard our environment, combat climate change, rescue our rivers and protect our forests. Our job is to make sure they do just that.