The Victorian government has approved bulldozing of this pristine and heritage listed ecosystem to make way for the Frankston by-pass. While destroying unique and precious ecosystems for new freeways is bad enough, its even worse that the government did so by by-passing its own environmental protection laws!
The government’s Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act made in 2009 allows the government to override its own planning and environmental approval processes to fast-track roads. At a time when our environment needs protecting more than ever, its simply not acceptable for our government to ignore legal processes specifically set up to safeguard our environment. Its undemocratic and plain wrong, and to be honest, its heartbreaking to see that our political leaders are still so mis-guided when it comes to our environment.
Some may argue that destroying this small piece of land won’t make a difference in the scheme of things. We’ve heard that argument for decades but the fact is that these types of decisions by our government are slowly destroying our environment – death by 1000 cuts so to speak! So yes, this piece of bushland matters.