Media Releases | 9th Feb, 2011

Murray Darling Basin Plan must not be delayed

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Responding to the Victorian Government’s submission to the Murray Darling Basin Authority, Environment Victoria CEO Kelly O’Shanassy said:

“We’re disappointed to see the Victorian Government calling for a delay to the Murray Darling Basin Plan.”

“The recent rains and floods may have rescued the Murray from near-environmental collapse, but nothing can survive on a drink just once in a decade.”

“What we’ve just seen is decades of drought followed by a rare flood. This is exactly what we can expect under climate change, which means a return to drought may not be far away.

“Everyone knows that the way water is shared in the Murray is not working.”

“It will take at least a decade to implement new water-sharing arrangements, so we need to get on with it. If we continue to delay the job will never get done.”

“Voluntary water buybacks are the cheapest and most efficient way of returning water to the environment, and should be front and centre of a national plan to save the Murray.”

“Securing the future health of the Murray is vital for both the environment and regional economies.”


For interview contact:

Kelly O’Shanassy, CEO, Environment Victoria on 0421 054 402