Blog | 17th Aug, 2022

Coming together for our first Local Organiser retreat

After more than two years of working together primarily online, we recently had the privilege of coming together – 22 Environment Victoria local leaders, allies and staff – for a weekend ‘retreat’!

This wasn’t the wellness retreat that some may have brought to mind, with massages and breathing exercises. We were hard at work building the foundations of our Action Network across Victoria.

The two-day agenda was packed to the brim with sessions to build shared understanding of our purpose, grow our skills, strengthen our working relationships, and map out our plans together. In particular, we deepened our understanding of relational organising approaches – how through one-to-one conversations we can understand the core values which unite our communities and give us shared purpose to fight for environmental justice.

Leaders from each of our key Action Network regions (in Ballarat, Gippsland and Melbourne’s south-east) made plans to build people power in their communities through targeted conversations. And we will be using the Victorian state election as a moment to continue this momentum and grow the number of people calling for clean energy solutions.

We know we need to rapidly cut climate pollution this decade, and these clean energy solutions will get us closer to 100% renewable energy – while making our homes healthier and our bills cheaper along the way. Stay tuned for in-person events happening soon near you!

  • Building skills as a group
  • The Environment Victoria organising team
  • Having one-to-one conversations to find shared values and purpose
  • Having one-to-one conversations to find shared values and purpose
  • We spent two days at Common Ground, near Seymour

Learn more about the Action Network