Right now there are 21 dirty gas expansion projects proposed along Victoria’s coast. But they are dangerous and totally unnecessary.
By switching enough homes and business to efficient electric appliances, we could reduce Victoria’s demand for gas enough to make these projects pointless – saving our precious marine ecosystems and cutting climate pollution.
With your help, we could push the Victorian government to stop more catastrophic gas projects by choosing a better path: fast-tracking Victoria’s transition away from gas and onto cleaner, affordable, renewable-powered electricity.
Your donation will help:
- Shift the public debate about gas and push back against decades of gas industry myths. We will make sure Victorians know gas is polluting and dangerous through informative videos, newspaper articles and op-eds, and meaningful face-to-face conversations.
- Educate and mobilise gas consumers to take advantage of government programs to upgrade their dirty old gas heaters to efficient electric ones, undermining the business case for more gas.
- Commission the expert research needed to push the government to act on gas before it’s too late for our precious marine ecosystems. We need to share the expert research with every decision-maker as soon as possible, and prove that gas expansion in Victoria is unnecessary and dangerous.
- Prove that getting households off gas fast is both possible and beneficial – including low-income, social housing and renter households. We’ll develop policy solutions that work, and train local volunteers to get the message out to their communities to make sure clean energy is accessible to everyone.
With precious ecosystems and our climate on the line, there’s no time to waste.
Thank you for your support.