Blog | 18th Apr, 2023

Kicking off the year with our second Action Network Retreat

Over two days in March this year, we joined 27 volunteers from across the state for our second ever Action Network Retreat!

It was an absolutely jam-packed weekend – a chance to build connections with each other, deep dive into some organising skills and start planning for our campaigns in the year ahead. But we also managed to squeeze in enough time for a bushwalk on the beautiful Taungurung Country where we were staying, and some swims in the dam!

A big focus was our new campaign to get Victoria off gas. Together, we discussed why switching from gas to clean electricity is so important and how we can influence our communities and elected representatives to speed up the transition. Taking what we learnt, we’re excited to kick off some tactics in our Action Network regions very soon.

We had many of our Local Organisers along, as well as completely new faces. With people coming from across the state, and of every age bracket (from teens into 70s!), it was a great chance to share stories and learn from each other’s diverse experiences.

It’s going to be a big year for our Action Network – so watch this space!

Learn more about the Action Network