Want to learn more? Join us at this panel event coming up in Melbourne next month!
The Murray Darling Conservation Alliance are bringing together a host of experts on the Murray Darling for panel discussion events in Adelaide, Sydney and Melbourne.
It’s a chance to seize this moment by answering some basic questions – why is the Murray-Darling so important, what’s wrong with the river and how do we fix it?
Friday 7 July, from 6:30pm
Melbourne, venue tbc.
Richard Beasley SC, the lead counsel for the 2019 South Australian Royal Commission into the Murray-Darling Basin and author of the book Dead in the Water.
Kate McBride, a young farmer, Parliamentary Liaison Officer and prominent advocate for the protection of the Murray-Darling.
Brendan Kennedy, Tati Tati and Wadi Wadi Traditional Owner, Deputy Chair of Murray Lower Darling Rivers Indigenous Nations (MLDRIN) and Chair of the Victorian Aboriginal Water Officer Network, among other accolades. He has been instrumental in elevating the profile of First Nations Water Rights in the Murray Darling Basin.
Michael Vanderzee, a water policy analyst for the Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists. He has had an had an extensive career as a senior government policy adviser which, including 15 years’ experience in national and state water policy reform.