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Become a group member

If you represent a group that’s focused on our environment, you can join our ever-expanding network of group members. We’d love to have you on board!

Note: the link below will take you to an external secure form where you can sign up and pay for your membership.

Sign up


There are a few rules about what kind of groups can become members of Environment Victoria. To be eligible for membership, your group must:

  1. Operate in Victoria,
  2. be primarily involved in environmental protection or restoration,
  3. be community run.

If you’re not sure about your group’s eligibility please don’t hesitate to contact us at admin@environmentvictoria.org.au or on (03) 9341 8100.

Can’t make your application online?

Download and print our hard copy application form here.

It has all the same details and if you send it in with a cheque attached we’ll review it along with the online applications and let you know if there are any problems.