About four years ago I felt that I must take an active part in environmental protection, protection of the natural environment, and that governments were not putting sufficient effort into addressing the scientifically acknowledged concern of global warming.
The environment and looking after it has always been a priority for me and my family and, now being mature aged and retired, this volunteering opportunity was the thing for me to do to give something back to the environment.
I am not scientifically accredited but felt that I might be able to give those people working in an environment protection organisation some assistance to rectify this terrifying lack of government concern for the environment.
The local, mainly single issue suburban environment groups, although doing great work, were not where I wanted to be. I started looking at organisations connected with the broader environment argument that would stimulate people power, confront government decision making and engage with environmental concerns that affected the global environment.
My decision to volunteer for Environment Victoria was made sure by the fact that this organisation was Victorian state-focused, was confronting government environmental inactivity and was a group where I felt that I could assist the campaigners at a grass-roots level.
While I at first felt intimidated by this committed younger generation of environmentally concerned people, all beavering away to save our planet, Environment Victoria is a great place to work as a volunteer!