“I want my legacy to help make this part of the world a better place for future generations.”
What are your greatest environmental concerns?
Global warming and lessening threats to ecosystems.
What is your favourite spot in Victoria?
Errinundra Plateau, East Gippsland. I was part of a group of people who did some amazing walks and collected fabulous photographs that were then put into a book. It was one of the things that helped it become a national park.
You have supported Environment Victoria for over 20 years. Do you remember why you started supporting Environment Victoria at the time?
I was originally a member of the Native Forest Action Council which eventually helped form Environment Victoria. I became aware of the native forest issues in the 1970s while working in Latrobe Valley near the Maryvale Paper Mill and saw the threat paper and pulp milling posed to native forests.
Why do you support Environment Victoria?
It appears to be a well-organised, committed, well-connected to the community, innovative and effective organisation, that has been well-led for many years.
Why did you decide to leave a bequest to Environment Victoria?
I want my legacy to help make this part of the world a better place for future generations.
What is your hope for the future of Victoria?
A stabilised (probably smaller) population living sustainably in balance with a healthy ecosystem. A community that sets an example for others about how to live a good life sustainably.
Interested in leaving a bequest in your will like Philip? We've got your questions covered! Just click the button below to learn more, or if you'd prefer to chat on the phone you can contact our 'Gifts in Wills' Coordinator John Macdonald on (03) 9341 8109.