Put simply, too much water is being taken from our rivers. Our environment and communities have been suffering for too long.
With the next drought around the corner, the stakes have been higher for our biggest river system.
Soon, the Australian Parliament will make a historic vote on the future of the Murray-Darling.
This new bill could be a lifeline for rivers ahead of the next drought – but only if we can secure key changes to ensure it delivers what was promised.
This next month is crucial, which is why we’re going to Canberra with river advocates from across the Basin, to meet with politicians before they vote.
Your donation today will help:
- Fund 12 river advocates from across the Basin to travel to Canberra, including First Nations, fishers, farmers and environmentalists
- Deliver your messages directly to federal Water Minister Tanya Plibersek and key Senators, with a giant map that shows the thousands of Australians standing up for healthy rivers
- Support Traditional Owners demands for water rights, and holding the federal government accountable to funding promised at the last election
- Continue lobbying federal and state politicians to return as much water as possible before the next drought, and then building on this momentum next year to win the big changes we need – including getting Victoria on board.
These next few months are going to be crucial. As Parliament prepares to vote on this bill, and with a hot, dry summer looming, the stakes for our biggest river system have never been higher.
Thank you for standing up for our rivers when it matters most.