Help Victorians get off gas

Sign the petition or click HERE to learn more about the problems with methane gas.

1,189 signatures of 2000

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Switching to efficient electric appliances means cleaner air inside our homes, less climate pollution and lower bills. But the upfront costs of switching is a big barrier for many.


That’s why we need to call on the Victorian government help all households – whether we own our homes or rent – replace gas heating and hot water systems with heat pumps, solar systems and batteries.

Read Our Petition Message

Victorian households and businesses are more reliant on gas – the most expensive source of power in our energy network – than any other state.

It used to be cheap and abundant, but things have changed. As gas prices have risen so have our energy bills.

Gas is a polluting fuel that is wrecking our climate. And it pollutes the air inside our homes too. Research backed by the Asthma Foundation shows burning gas for cooking and heating can be as dangerous as second-hand cigarette smoke, causing heart disease and around 12 percent of childhood asthma.

With the right incentives and support we can keep our homes warm, heat our hot water and cook with efficient appliances powered by renewable energy, enjoying clean air and lower bills.

Call on the Victorian government help all Victorian households – whether we own our homes or rent – replace gas heating and hot water systems with heat pumps, solar systems and batteries.

Get our top tips for getting off gas including incentives

Find out more about the problems with gas