Thank you to everyone who gave before June 30 to have your gift doubled

You can still donate to help protect Victoria's precious environment

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Our latest research report exposed a worrying risk: Victoria’s bold climate pollution reduction targets could be out of reach by up to 24 million tonnes of carbon per year unless we have a plan to stop using gas – that’s around one quarter of our total emissions today.

Without a plan to get off gas, Victoria could FAIL at doing our part to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees.

From the Little Desert National Park, to the gorgeous Grampians, to the wetlands sanctuary of Westernport Bay, our state’s precious ecosystems deserve better.

But the solutions are right at our fingertips.

And in just a few months, we have a massive opportunity to push back against the gas industry and demand better from the government.

Soon, the Andrews government will review their ‘Gas Substitution Roadmap’ – this is our BIG chance to lock in ambitious policies, incentives, targets, and timelines needed to get Victoria off gas.

Your donation will help:

  • Continue releasing more expert research needed to debunk gas industry scare campaigns.
  • Power on-the-ground strategies to educate more people about the real damage gas is doing to our environment and our health.
  • Develop fair, sustainable and science-based policies proving that getting households off gas is both economically possible and beneficial to the public interest, not gas interests.
  • Continue supporting local groups who are fighting grass-roots battles against destructive gas expansion projects.

Thank you so much for your generous support at this crucial time for our environment.