Protect our rivers at this crucial moment

Help supercharge this final push and urge to politicians give rivers their fair share

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In the next two weeks, the Australian Parliament will make a historic vote on the future of our biggest river system.

This legislation could be a lifeline for the Murray-Darling ahead of the next drought.

But vested interests and the corporate irrigation lobby are doing everything they can to stop this bill passing.

By blocking this legislation, they could stop the rivers & wildlife of the Murray-Darling receiving their fair share of water. This is water that all rivers, wetlands, wildlife and communities desperately need to survive, especially with another terrifying drought just around the corner.

In fact right now, in Victoria alone, there’s 140 native species at risk of extinction unless they get their fair share of water.

Just some of the species at risk are the Australasian Bittern, the Macquarie Perch, the Australian painted snipe, the iconic Murray Cod, and the Southern Bell Frog.

This legislation is the first sign of progress for the health of the Murray-Darling, and all the life that depends on it, in a decade.

Thanks to the incredible support of passionate people like you, we’ve built huge momentum for this moment over the last few months.

But this is the final sprint.

In these last crucial moments before politicians vote, our rivers needs a strong voice advocating for them.

That’s what your gift today will do.

With your help today, we can:

  • Run attention-grabbing newspaper ads and op-eds
  • Powerful social media campaigns across the Basin
  • Lift up the regional voices affected the most
  • Dominate the media with the real stories of people who live, work and care for our precious rivers

Together, we can make sure our elected representatives hear us loud and clear: rivers need real water now, before the next drought.

Thank you for your generous support.