The Victorian government’s updated Gas Substitution Roadmap has been released and it lays the groundwork for the end of methane gas use in every Victorian home.
Send a message to your local MP, backing in the bold steps they’re taking to get Victoria off gas and urging them to do more to support households.
The Victorian government’s updated Gas Substitution Roadmap has been released and it lays the groundwork for the end of methane gas use in every Victorian home.
New measures in the plan open the door to phasing out new gas appliance installations – a critical and necessary step to a gas free Victoria.
But without a big boost to incentives and education to make going electric easy and affordable many Victorians will still be left behind.
And we know the gas industry will be doing everything in their power to put a stop to efforts to electrify Victoria.
Decision makers need to hear louder than ever that Victorians support a fast and fair shift from gas that leaves no-one behind.
Will you send a message to your local MP, backing in the bold steps they’re taking to get Victoria off gas and urging them to do more to support households?