Stand with the Latrobe Valley for a future beyond coal

3,650 signatures of 5000

Call on the Minister for Regional Development to commit to funding the Latrobe Valley Authority.

Read Our Petition Message

The Latrobe Valley community has powered Victoria for decades.

Now as we transition from coal to clean energy for our climate, the community needs government support to create a community-led vision for the future and new economic opportunities in the Valley.

The Latrobe Valley Authority (LVA) was established with Hazelwood’s closure to do just that. But the LVA’s funding will run out in 2022, well before the last power station closes.

Send your message to Regional Development Minister Mary-Anne Thomas, and call on her government to fund the Latrobe Valley Authority until the last coal power station closes and to commit to a community-led plan for the region. 

Stand with the Latrobe Valley for a future beyond coal.