‘ENGIE’ is the French energy giant that owns the Hazelwood coal mine, and is responsible for rehabilitating the mine.
But their current plan could spell disaster for the surrounding environment and communities.
We can’t let them get away with it.
The RAMSAR listed Gippsland lakes, Australia’s largest coastal lagoon system.
If they’re allowed to go ahead with this plan, here’s what could happen:
The longer ENGIE is allowed to get away with this, the more toxic coal ash pollution will seep into the surrounding environment.
But with your help, we can keep the spotlight shining on this dodgy plan, forcing ENGIE’s plan to be properly scrutinised and consider alternatives.
Your donation will help us hire the experts and lawyers needed for the EES, mobilise our community Action Network on the ground in the Latrobe Valley, and hold ENGIE to account.
Thank you for helping to make ENGIE properly clean up their mess.