Victoria, stop blocking the one solution that can save our rivers!

3,861 signatures of 5000

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Call on Premier Daniel Andrews and Water Minister Harriet Shing to stand up to big corporate irrigators and support plans to purchase vital water for rivers. 

Read Our Petition Message

For the first time in 10 years, we have a federal government committed to saving the rivers of the Murray-Darling Basin.

They’re ready to start purchasing water for the environment, to make sure enough stays in the river to sustain the fish, birds, turtles, trees and wetlands that depend on it.

But there’s one thing standing in the way: a Victorian government more interested in protecting the interests of corporate agribusiness, than protecting a healthy river for us all.

Will you add your name today, calling on Premier Daniel Andrews and Water Minister Harriet Shing to stop blocking progress and support the federal government purchasing water for rivers?

For too long, parts of the irrigation lobby have been allowed to dominate the debate on water purchases. But together, we can speak up and call out this spin. If our government is going to shift its position, they’ll need to hear from thousands of Victorians right across the state – who care about and depend on healthy rivers.

The Murray-Darling simply can’t survive another 10 years of dodgy delays and backroom deals. It’s time for the Victorian government to stand up to vested interests and stop blocking the one solution that could finally get our rivers the water they need!

Want to learn more about water purchases? Read our FAQ blog here >>

Header image: John Morton. Available on Flickr under CC BY-SA 2.0 licence.