group-member | 3rd Sep, 2024

Bunyip Renewables Action Group (BRAG)

BRAG’s mission is to significantly reduce Bunyip and District’s carbon footprint.

Community engagement is built into BRAG’s “DNA”. Goals include:

  • Development of the Bunyip Town Battery and solar farm
  • Achieving a carbon neutral Recreation Reserve by reducing energy use, increasing efficiency, installation of solar panels and a batttery(s), and choosing green energy supplier
  • Providing a household energy efficiency advisory service
  • Communicating with the local community via social media and organising guest speakers
  • Promotion of recycling including coffee cups and blister packs

BRAG won the 2023 Premiers Sustainability award as Community Champion in Future Energy



Phone: 0411 274 025

Address: 14 Cooper Rise. Bunyip. 381