Thanks for taking action! Will you take the next step?

It’s been really hard to pin MPs down to answer this important question. We know that the more pressure local MPs feel from their communities – from you – the more likely they are to push for strong targets interally.

In the week of 9 December, Environment Victoria supporters and Friends of the Earth’s Act on Climate Collective, will be dropping in to their local MP offices and asking this important question:

Will you champion state climate targets in line with keeping global warming below 1.5 degrees?

Can you drop in to your local MP’s office? Get a few friends together, knock on the electorate office door and see if your MP will finally answer the question.

If you want to host a bigger action outside your MP’s office, to really put the pressure on, check the box here and we can get one of our campaigners to call you to plan out how to get more people along (we can help!)

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