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Lock in 100% clean energy for Victoria at the state election.

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Climate damage is harming our wildlife, communities and future generations. But the action we take this decade – and in the state election this November – will decide our future. 

In Victoria we have seen too many heartbreaking consequences of climate change already, yet neither the government nor opposition have plans to adequately play our part in stopping climate change fast enough.

The state election – just three months away – is a big opportunity to change that.

Your gift today will help make sure Victoria elects a government committed to ‘Clean Energy for All’. By this November, you can help secure a fast and fair plan to phase out coal-burning power and reach 100% clean energy by 2030.

Your urgent gift will help to:

  1. Run targeted events and eye-catching community actions so no candidates can ignore our climate and environment policy demands.
  2. Train and support local leaders around Victoria to develop & run effective people-powered campaigns in their communities.
  3. Fund polling and expert analysis to conduct effective, targeted campaigns in newspapers, on billboards, online and on social media.
  4. Provide a suite of resources for on-the-ground groups and local leaders across the state to take our demands confidently to candidates

With your support Victorians could vote in a government that’s committed to a fast and fair transition to 100% renewables before it’s too late – and put an end to climate-wrecking fossil fuels in our state.


Environment Victoria is strictly non-partisan. We do not support particular candidates or political parties and we never tell people how to vote. We are building public support for the clean energy transition and communicating this to candidates to encourage better policy commitments.