Ballarat & Central Highlands Open Letter

We're calling for faster and fairer climate action in Victoria!

UPDATE: In the lead up to the federal election, we're delivering our open letter to candidates to show them we want climate action! Join the rally in Ballarat on Sunday 1 May to show your support.

Join the event

Victorians from regions right across the state are getting together to show how widespread the support for climate action is in the lead up to the federal election.

In Ballarat and the Central Highlandscommunity members are reaching out to local businesses, community groups, schools, sporting clubs and other groups –   asking them to sign onto the open letter for faster and fairer Victorian climate action. Click here or scroll to the bottom of the page to read the open letter! 

Fill in the form below to sign on and show your support.

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To our local, state and federal MPs and prospective candidates,

We, the people and organisations of the Ballarat and Central Highlands region call on you, our elected representatives and candidates to back our region and take immediate steps to:

  •       Replace coal, oil and gas with clean energy (including no more new coal fired power plants to be built in Australia,  no new gas plants to be developed in Australia, a national moratorium on coal seam gas exploration and no more oil, coal or gas exploration permits to be issued in Australia, and the necessary action to help transition workers out of these industries;
  •       Protect, regenerate and increase our natural environment;
  •       Promote and support regenerative practices in farming/agriculture and sustainable land practices generally;
  •       Move towards adopting and implementing the principles of an environment focussed, circular economy with an emphasis on wellbeing, rather than economic profit for its own sake.

Every Victorian community has a stake in moving our state beyond polluting fuels and protecting our rivers and natural world, and we owe it to our younger generations.

The Central Highlands region has an opportunity to show strong civic leadership in this transition.  We cannot afford to cling to an unjust and destructive fossil-fuel-based economy. To be a part of the modern era, we must accelerate the transition to a sustainable economy – now.

The pandemic has taught us we can’t avoid big global threats. It has also taught us the value of expert advice and decisive leadership. We need leaders at all levels – global, national, state and local – to step up and make deep and urgent cuts to the pollution that is overheating our planet. This is a non-partisan issue and needs to be treated as such.

The transition to a more sustainable society needs to be fast and fair, avoiding the worst climate damage while supporting communities to adapt and thrive.

Victoria has set a great foundation. In just four years large-scale clean energy has created over 3500 jobs and attracted $5 billion in investment. Now Victorian wind, solar and hydro is generating enough energy to power almost 3 million homes.

But we must act with even greater speed and urgency before the costs of inaction increase exponentially. We demand that you commit to immediate and concrete action including:

  • A national plan to slash climate pollution this decade with strong targets that, at a minimum, match our trading partners;
  • Accelerating the rollout of renewable energy projects and infrastructure to create a healthy, prosperous economy while ceasing new energy generating projects from fossil fuel sources.

We have the technology and the knowledge, we just need the political will to make it happen.

What do you want your legacy to be?

Signed by,

Additional signatories

Graeme Dobson
Lucy Marks
Ben Lever
Cecilia Morris
Kelly Cooke
Alyssa Britnell
Julia Selkirk
Maree Gunner
Ron Stevens
Greta Lowe
Elizabeth Wade
Bev Wemyss
Lindsay Watters
Amanda Watters
Wendy Avery
Gerry Fahey
Fiona Williamson
Hamish Molly
David Neate
Kevin Zibell
Dennis Edwards
Jan Souter
David Volk
Shaun Pedersen
Anita Rose-Innes
Rowan Jones
Dr. Linda Zibell
John W.B Hungerford
Joe Boin
Tim Ambrose
Jannette Robinson
Russel Castley
Robert Loveband
Glenn Simmonds
Les Burton
Gaye Welford
Iain Bellamy
Jan Noble
Anne Azzopardi
Elizabeth Nolan
Leeanne Szydzik
Louise Simmons
Rob Hosking
Peter Rice
Jane Thompson
Joe Boin
Mary Debrett
Jenny Dare
Maxine Hardinge
Louise Doyle
Jeanean Pritchard
Fiona Cameron
Robert Cameron
Lily Cameron
Deborah Gilchrist
Jess Langhorne
Robin Johnson
Sue Casey
Julie Heron
Jane Thompson
Margaret O’Donnell
Edith Fry
Barry Kranz
Joe Boin
Sukalpa Goldflam
Elizabeth Kersten
Allen Jones
Sue Broadway
Shane Broadway
Judith Bailey
Penelope Greenslade
Richard Pollard
Janet Wheatley
Tim Ambrose
Michael Weadon
June Harty
Peter Voterakis
Anastasia La Fey
Gerry Egan
Pam Atkins
Chris Fox
Loris Button
Tessa Noone
Mikaela Fuller
Antoinette Dillon
Riley Buchanan
Gabrielle Salkowski 
Paula Wheaton
Ray Bakker
Oona Smith 
Dawn Hamilton 

Rachel Buchanan
Julie O’Donohue
Paul O’Donohue
Debra Goemmel
Jarrod Coyles
Paul Blackman
Christine Hickson
Faustin Epeabaka
Lois Johnstone
Bianca Fammartino
Kathryn Webb
Betty McGuinness
Jacqueline Saultry
Cherie Draper
Ray Draper
Kaye Bennett
Stephen Carey
Melinda Cameron
Margaret Evans
Hellen Fersch
Sandra Hawkins
Glenn Groves
Margot De Deugd
Matt Briody
Sarah Hawkins
Anne Roberts
Tuesday Phelan
Chris Charleson
John Blake
Merinda Quinn
Jonathan Halls
Marion Oke
Gay Graham
Corrie Arnott
Sam Luxemburg
Gerald Toohey
Kaye Murray
Margaret Brockham
William Fidler
Michele McFarland
Shirley Viner
Peter Felgate
Neal Salan
Liz Houlder
Noel Gregory
Stuart Kelly
Anita Doyle
Kirsty Hess
Marg Watkins
Glen Stewart
Anna Cameron
Dinny Kube
Chris Willey
Sam Rodgers
Jay Morrison
Angela Aldred
Peter Cameron
Jill Greene
Linda Zibell
David Eldridge
Elisabeth May
Richard John Petheram
Jenny Schmidt
Robyn Sedgwick
Lyn Wilks
Jennie Brennan
Peter Kervarec
Faye Clarke
David Broadway
Graeme Dobson
Robyn Thornton
Kara Linayao
Peter Gamble
Jane Bourke
Nat Watchorn
Jennifer Macgill
Shell Butler
Indrani Wells
Sharon Rabusin
Merle Hathaway
Sheryl Nettleton
Rowan Jones
Melissa Lopez
Marguerita Stephens
Nicholas Kimpton
Robert McIntosh
Susan Nelson
Roxanne Waller
Tony Goodfellow
Anna Morton