Your Will is likely to be one of the most important documents in your life, so you don’t want to risk complications or errors which could turn into further problems for loved ones after you die. A solicitor will also ensure that what you want is carried out.
Online Wills are becoming more common and there are several services that are readily available. Environment Victoria has partnered with Safewill so supporters can write a Will online at a reduced cost. Click here to visit Safewill and find out more.
Yes. In the unfortunate event of a change in the relationship divorce or death of a partner, separate Wills will help you avoid unwanted legal complications.
Whenever your circumstances change, for example:
Talking to loved ones about your decision to leave a bequest to Environment Victoria is very important. It’ll reduce the risk of disputes between them and the risk of your Will being contested. This will ensure that your wishes are met.
We are extremely grateful for whatever you give and the decision is up to you. However, generally we recommend a residual bequest. A residual bequest means that after your Will has made all necessary provision for relatives, friends and debtors, the residue of your estate (the remaining assets) are passed to the organisation and/or individuals named as your residuary beneficiaries. Your residual gift can also be left as a specific percentage of the residue of your estate.
Yes. We welcome property bequests provided that you give permission to sell the land and use the funds for campaigning to protect Victoria’s environment. We’re an environmental advocacy organisation, so we’re much more effective at protecting the environment through our campaigning. You can place a conservation covenant on your property if you would like the lands natural diversity protected in perpetuity. We suggest you seek the advice of your solicitor if you wish to leave property.
So we can thank you personally and invite you to join our Forever Green community of bequestors.