Members, volunteers and partners. Everyone's playing their part in the shift to a better future.
Every day, volunteers, local environment groups and partner organisations are working with us to achieve something wonderful: a healthy and sustainable world where nature is a thriving part of our daily lives.
We’re creating a future where our forests, rivers, beaches and parks are protected for generations and not exploited for short-term profit, and where everyone can enjoy clean air and clean water.
We can accomplish big things when we work together!
With a committed network of communities across Victoria, we are moving our state beyond fossil fuels, protecting nature and holding government and business accountable.
From holding our politicians to account to championing the local benefits of the shift to clean energy, local organisers in the Action Network mobilise the people around them to protect their environment and community. The Action Network empowers everyday Victorians to become Local Organisers and bring their community together to take coordinated action.
Many of our campaigns and programs are delivered with a helping hand from likeminded groups.
Here's some of them...
The Lalor Living & Learning Centre is a community- run incorporated association based in northern Melbourne. We have been providing quality adult education for our local area for over 25 years. is a non-profit, community organisation based in the City Port Phillip, a suburb of Melbourne. Our goal is to reduce the human contribution to, and the impact of, climate change on our planet. We do this by creating and delivering information, facilitating actions, involvement in campaigns and influencing decision makers. Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation provides grants to eligible organisations for innovative programs that work to increase life opportunities, promote social inclusion and improve quality of life. The Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation supported HomePlanet. City of Maribyrnong is the smallest and most densely populated municipality in the metropolitan area. The City's population is over 79,000. Approximately 40% of residents were born outside Australia. Polytechnic (formerly NMIT) has been delivering practical and professional education to the northern suburbs of Melbourne for over 100 years. We have adopted pathways and programs that are progressive in today’s education market, offering students a career-focused holistic learning experience. is an advocacy group comprising members from Melbourne metropolitan local government, associate members representing transport companies, and participants from the State Government and environment groups. provides a range of services for migrants and refugees living in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne. is dedicated to tackling climate change.
We work with communities, partners and governments to implement sustainable energy projects. We undertake research, engagement and consulting.
Morwell Neighbourhood House runs community classes on everything from cooking to learning a language, decorative painting and computer classes. Mullum Trust supports projects which have significant ongoing or catalytic environmental outcomes, with a focus on environment, animal welfare and wildlife and conservation and heritage. The Mullum Trust supported our Safe Climate campaign.
http://thetrusteeforthemullumtrust.myob.netThe National Sikh Council of Australia aims to unite the geographically spread out Sikh Community in Australia. NHF has been providing settlement, welfare, advocacy and individual support and referral services for migrants, refugees and culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) clients since 1981.
http://www.newhope.asn.auNAGA is a network of nine councils in Melbourne's north and the Moreland Energy Foundation, working together to create a low-carbon, climate adaptive future. is part of a global movement of dedicated people working hard to fight poverty and injustice. Charge is a not-for-profit social enterprise. We are energy experts and provide independent advisory services and programs to help households, community groups and businesses to save energy and money. We are committed to reducing carbon emissions at scale across a number of local government areas. in 1976 as the Train Travellers Association, the Public Transport Users Association is the recognised consumer organisation representing passengers of all forms of public transport. We are a non-profit, voluntary organisation, with no political affiliations. Minh Temple is a centre for the Vietnamese Buddhist community in Victoria, as well as the office of the United Vietnamese Buddhist Congregation of Victoria. Coal is a Melbourne-based collective (part of Friends of the Earth) that campaigns against the expansion of the coal and unconventional gas industries in Victoria. Reichstein Foundation works for social justice and environmental sustainability by investing strategically in inspirational people, projects and organisations. It is a catalyst for more effective philanthropy in Australia. is a global university of technology, design and enterprise.
One of Australia's original tertiary institutions, RMIT University enjoys an international reputation for excellence in professional and vocational education, applied research, and engagement with the needs of industry and the community.
SecurITon is a leading co-location / hosting provider offering managed hosting services that range of reliable, secure, entry-level to enterprise-level web hosting operations. is an incorporated non-profit organisation, with a vision to create greater awareness and understanding of Sikhs and Sikhism in the Australian community. Migrant Resource Centre delivers services to newly- arrived and/or established migrants and refugees. Mallee Ethnic Communities Council (SMECC) helps settle new migrants and refugees into the Sunraysia Mallee area.
http://www.smeccinc.orgSustainable Business Australia (SBA) is a not-for-profit membership-based organisation which has no political ties.
SBA is Australia's peak body for the low- carbon and environmental goods and services sector. The organisation is also a think tank focusing on 'new markets, new industries and new jobs'.
The Sustainable Living Foundation is responsible for the Sustainable Living Festival. The Sustainable Living Festival aims to accelerate the uptake of sustainable living and seeks solutions to global warming that will return the planet to a safe climate as fast as humanly possible. The Festival raises awareness and provides tools for change by showcasing leading solutions to the ecological and social challenges we face. is a large and culturally diverse organisation. A desire to innovate and bring about positive change motivates our students and staff. The result is in an institution that grows and evolves each year. Tenants Union of Victoria was formed over 30 years ago to promote and protect the rights of tenants and residents in all forms of residential accommodation in Victoria. The Tenants Union aims to help individual tenants and work for social change to improve conditions for all tenants. Australia’s largest national education-oriented charity, we support disadvantaged Australian children to participate fully in their education, giving them the best chance at breaking the cycle of disadvantage. Sunrise Project seeks to educate, support and empower Australian communities to protect our land, water, community health and the global climate from the negative impacts of the fossil fuel industry, and to hasten the inevitable shift to an efficient, renewable energy economy. is a national, community-based, environmental advocacy organisation whose purpose is to protect, promote and restore wilderness and natural processes across Australia. Ecology is a Geelong- based architecture practice specialising in ecologically sustainable design that enhances and transforms the lives of our clients. Traralgon Uniting Church parish has five churches in the vicinity and provides devotional services at hostels and nursing homes. and Liberation Concern (TLC) is a Christian Church Community based in Bayswater North, Victoria. Uniting Church is a union of three churches: the Congregational Union of Australia, the Methodist Church of Australasia and the Presbyterian Church of Australia. University of Melbourne enjoys an outstanding reputation with world rankings consistently placing us as Australia’s leading comprehensive research-intensive university, and one of the world’s top 50. New Futures is a not-for-profit community organisation incorporating the Victorian Cooperative on Children's Services for Ethnic Groups (VICSEG Programs for Families, Children & Young People) and New Futures Training. Together we provide support and training to newly- arrived and recently settled migrant communities throughout the northern and western Melbourne regions. is a $15 billion strong profit to member superannuation fund with over 240,000 members and 21,000 participating employers. is an incorporated not-for-profit association providing support to people of Arabic-Speaking-Background communities in Victoria. Victorian Climate Action Network (VCAN)
is a communication network linking climate groups with groups campaigning on renewable energy, public transport, or coal and gas in Victoria.
VCOSS raises awareness of the existence, causes and effects of poverty and inequality, and contributes to initiatives seeking to create a more just society. Victorian Immigrant and Refugee Women's Coalition works collaboratively with refugee and migrant women’s organisations and groups to meet the objectives and goals of those groups and their constituents. VLGA is unique in Australia, being a peak body that has local government, community organisations and individuals making up our membership. VNPA is the leading voice for nature conservation in Victoria, and meets regularly with heads of government agencies and State Government ministers. Victorian Trades Hall Council helps organise activities and campaigns with and on behalf of affiliated unions. Trades Hall is comprised of 40 affiliated unions, representing approximately 430,000 members in Victoria. of the Valley is a community group established to protect and inform the Latrobe Valley Community following the Hazelwood coal mine fire. & Peninsula Protection Council was established in 1971. It seeks to engage in, support and promote: regional and local planning; conservation of natural resources; studies of the effects of pollution of all kinds; and the protection of the environmentof Westernport, the Mornington Peninsula and elsewhere.
http://www.wppcinc.orgWhittlesea Community Connections works to deliver essential services and supports to the most vulnerable individuals, families and communities Wimmera Mallee Sustainability Alliance is an alliance of six local governments with a number of local and state government authorities and educational institutions. It aims to improve sustainability in the Wimmera Mallee. Neighbourhood House provides a friendly, safe, caring, respectful and non-judgemental environment. It offers services and activities to those most in need in our community. Energy Foundation (YEF) is an independent, for-purpose organisation with a huge ambition – to achieve a zero carbon future in the City of Yarra. Plenty Regional Library provides library services to the municipalities of Banyule, Nillumbik and Whittlesea through nine branches and three mobile libraries. Yarra RiverkeeperAssociation aims to protect and restore the Yarra River and its tributaries, from source to mouth, for current and future generations. a retail water company, Yarra Valley Water provides water supply and sewerage services to over 1.5 million people who live and work in the Yarra River catchment area of Melbourne. moves info between your web apps automatically, so you can focus on your most important work. is building a global grassroots climate movement that can hold our leaders accountable to the realities of science and the principles of justice.
http://350.orgThe ATA promotes sustainable technology and practice as well as providing services to members who are actively walking the talk in their own homes. Victoria creates opportunities to transform futures. Everything we do is to protect, prevent & empower disadvantaged Victorian children, young people and families. is making energy efficiency central to our nation’s public policy debate and is creating real, measurable action amongst businesses and consumers. Communities Foundation uses its grantmaking expertise and in-depth knowledge of community issues to assist donors to develop strategic giving plans and make effective grants that meet their own charitable goals and address needs in the community. ACF is committed to inspiring people to achieve a healthy environment for all Australians by promoting solutions through research, consultation, education and partnerships. Ethical is a fund manager that offers ethical superannuation and managed funds and has specialised in ethical investment for over 23 years. Australian Youth Climate Coalition is building a generation-wide movement to solve the climate crisis. We run campaigns that inspire our generation to take action. Australia is a customer- owned bank offering banking products and services that support customers to achieve their financial goals while creating stronger communities and a healthier environment. Bank Australia supported the One Million Homes Alliance. Baw Baw Sustainability Network (BBSN) is working locally to promote and achieve sustainable living. Street works with children, young people and families with the most challenging and complex needs, including those for whom we are often the last resort. is an international environmental organisation. We incubate practical solutions to climate change using the inspiring One Planet Living framework and science-based behaviour change. helps you find and live your authentic brand so it is sustaining and sustainable.
http://www.michelhogan.comThe City of Brimbank is the second largest municipality in Melbourne with an area of 123 square kilometres and more than 170,000 residents. research, services and advocacy, the Brotherhood of St Laurence helps people experiencing disadvantage at all stages of life, empowering them to build a better future. CVGA is an incorporated association comprising 14 local governments, seven business, government and community organisations, and several working groups, covering 20 per cent of Victoria.
http://www.centralvictoriangreenhousealliance.orgThe Centre for Multicultural Youth is a Victorian not-for-profit organisation supporting young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds to build better lives in Australia. Church is a multi-site, Pentecostal megachurch located in Melbourne, Australia, with weekly services in the municipalities of Knox, Casey, Manningham and Whittlesea.
https://www.citylife.churchThe City of Yarra is one of Australia's smallest inner-city municipalities, comprising the former councils of
Collingwood, Richmond, Fitzroy (including North Carlton), and Northcote (Alphington and Fairfield, south of Heidelberg Road only.)
CWW provides drinking water, sewerage, trade waste and recycled water services to customers in Melbourne’s central business district, inner and western suburbs. is an alliance of over 65 regional, state and national environmental, health, community development, and research groups from throughout Australia. Neighbourhood House aims to promote the wellbeing of the Collingwood community by providing leadership and working collaboratively with individuals, families, agencies and other groups to develop and support initiatives and services that respond to the community’s needs.
http://www.cnh.bc.caCommunity Housing Federation of Victoria (CHFV) is dedicated to ensuring that all Victorians in housing need can gain access to secure, affordable long-term housing. Action Law Centre is a Melbourne-based consumer advocacy and campaigning organisation that provides free and independent legal assistance and financial counselling. is an independent consumer advocacy organisation and was established to ensure the representation of Victorian consumers in policy and regulatory debates on electricity, gas and water. Community is about people, communities, gardening, farming, the environment and food. Our mission is to work with diverse communities to create fair, secure and resilient food systems. City of Darebin stretches from Melbourne’s inner northern suburbs of Northcote and Fairfield out to the traditional middle ring suburbs of Reservoir and Bundoora. Information Volunteer Resource Service is a not-for-profit volunteer- driven organisation that delivers free services and programs for vulnerable populations in Darebin, reducing financial crisis, social isolation and barriers to accessing community information., also known as Geelong Ethnic Communities Council, is a not-for-profit community service group with a core set of services and business operations that support the multicultural communities and the disadvantaged in the region. Community and Education Services is a Registered Training Organisation that provides students with training that results in qualifications and statements of attainment that are recognised and accepted by industry and other educational institutions throughout Australia. for the Environment is a voluntary organisation of medical doctors working to address the diseases – local, national and global – caused by damage to the earth’s environment. is an energy and thermal efficiency retrofit business. Our expertise spans: tailored thermal efficiency assessments; professional draught proofing; secondary glazing; and ceiling, underfloor and wall insulation. ETU represents members working in the electrical and communications contracting industry, power, manufacturing, education, hospitality, aerospace, food and other industries. for the People was established in 2012 with the vision of helping to create and inspire a new energy market, which works for the people, by the people. offer energy efficiency services designed for residential, commercial and government. Environmental Farmers Network seeks to improve the environmental health of private and public land in farming areas. Justice Australia is a not-for-profit public interest legal practice. Our legal team combines a passion for justice with technical expertise and a practical understanding of the legal system. We value our independence, so we’re funded by concerned citizens, not big business. Environmental Film Festival Australia began in 2010 (as EFF Melbourne) with a vision to inform, engage and inspire on the environmental issues that affect us today. In 2015 the EFFM became EFFA and will visit Melbourne, Canberra and Hobart. Flemington Association is a residents' action and support group based on the suburb of Flemington in Melbourne's inner north west. of the Earth Australia is a federation of independent local groups working for a socially equitable and environmentally sustainable future. is one of Australia's largest campaigning communities, with over 1 million members. We're an independent, grassroots, community advocacy organisation that seeks to build a more progressive Australia and hold politicians to account. Water delivers reliable, high-quality water, wastewater and waste recovery services to ensure social, environmental and economic benefits to domestic and commercial clients across Central Gippsland. is an incorporated not-for-profit network of approximately 50 diverse member organisations. Plains is a vibrant and progressive municipality situated between Geelong, Ballarat and Melbourne, offering residents and businesses access to the city services while enjoying a country lifestyle. is the web design studio of Colette Watson. Goodling designs and builds websites for a range of clients and is housed at The Compound Interest in Collingwood. Goulburn Valley Environment Group is a not-for-profit community environment and conservation organisation based in the Goulburn Valley in northern Victoria. is an independent campaigning organisation that uses direct action to expose global environmental problems and to force solutions essential to a green and peaceful future.
http://www.greenpeace.orgThe Hamer Family Fund, through the
Australian Communities Foundation, supports: the performing arts, especially music; innovation in care for the environment; and projects that advance good government.
Hepburn Wind is the owner and operator of Australia’s first community-owned wind farm, at Leonards Hill, about 100km north-west of Melbourne, just south of Daylesford Victoria. is an independent, Australian- owned and managed outdoor advertising company. Islamic Council of Victoria (ICV) is the peak body for Muslim organisations in Victoria. The ICV represents Victoria’s more than 150,000 Muslims, through its 47 member organisations located throughout metropolitan Melbourne and rural Victoria. Our vision is to build a better community for all Australians through the empowerment of Muslims in Victoria. Change was established to improve equity through energy efficiency. The Just Change Pilot retrofitted 10 low-income rental properties - at no cost to the tenant or owner - in metropolitan Melbourne. UnitingCare is an innovative and trusted community service organisation within one of Australia’s largest welfare networks, UnitingCare Australia – an agency of the Uniting Church. Kurnai College all members of our community are focused on their own learning and on supporting the learning of others. Lalor Living & Learning Centre is a community- run incorporated association based in northern Melbourne. We have been providing quality adult education for our local area for over 25 years. is a non-profit, community organisation based in the City Port Phillip, a suburb of Melbourne. Our goal is to reduce the human contribution to, and the impact of, climate change on our planet. We do this by creating and delivering information, facilitating actions, involvement in campaigns and influencing decision makers. Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation provides grants to eligible organisations for innovative programs that work to increase life opportunities, promote social inclusion and improve quality of life. The Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation supported HomePlanet. City of Maribyrnong is the smallest and most densely populated municipality in the metropolitan area. The City's population is over 79,000. Approximately 40% of residents were born outside Australia. Polytechnic (formerly NMIT) has been delivering practical and professional education to the northern suburbs of Melbourne for over 100 years. We have adopted pathways and programs that are progressive in today’s education market, offering students a career-focused holistic learning experience. is an advocacy group comprising members from Melbourne metropolitan local government, associate members representing transport companies, and participants from the State Government and environment groups. provides a range of services for migrants and refugees living in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne. is dedicated to tackling climate change.
We work with communities, partners and governments to implement sustainable energy projects. We undertake research, engagement and consulting.
Morwell Neighbourhood House runs community classes on everything from cooking to learning a language, decorative painting and computer classes. Mullum Trust supports projects which have significant ongoing or catalytic environmental outcomes, with a focus on environment, animal welfare and wildlife and conservation and heritage. The Mullum Trust supported our Safe Climate campaign.
http://thetrusteeforthemullumtrust.myob.netThe National Sikh Council of Australia aims to unite the geographically spread out Sikh Community in Australia. NHF has been providing settlement, welfare, advocacy and individual support and referral services for migrants, refugees and culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) clients since 1981.
http://www.newhope.asn.auNAGA is a network of nine councils in Melbourne's north and the Moreland Energy Foundation, working together to create a low-carbon, climate adaptive future. is part of a global movement of dedicated people working hard to fight poverty and injustice. Charge is a not-for-profit social enterprise. We are energy experts and provide independent advisory services and programs to help households, community groups and businesses to save energy and money. We are committed to reducing carbon emissions at scale across a number of local government areas. in 1976 as the Train Travellers Association, the Public Transport Users Association is the recognised consumer organisation representing passengers of all forms of public transport. We are a non-profit, voluntary organisation, with no political affiliations. Minh Temple is a centre for the Vietnamese Buddhist community in Victoria, as well as the office of the United Vietnamese Buddhist Congregation of Victoria. Coal is a Melbourne-based collective (part of Friends of the Earth) that campaigns against the expansion of the coal and unconventional gas industries in Victoria. Reichstein Foundation works for social justice and environmental sustainability by investing strategically in inspirational people, projects and organisations. It is a catalyst for more effective philanthropy in Australia. is a global university of technology, design and enterprise.
One of Australia's original tertiary institutions, RMIT University enjoys an international reputation for excellence in professional and vocational education, applied research, and engagement with the needs of industry and the community.
SecurITon is a leading co-location / hosting provider offering managed hosting services that range of reliable, secure, entry-level to enterprise-level web hosting operations. is an incorporated non-profit organisation, with a vision to create greater awareness and understanding of Sikhs and Sikhism in the Australian community. Migrant Resource Centre delivers services to newly- arrived and/or established migrants and refugees. Mallee Ethnic Communities Council (SMECC) helps settle new migrants and refugees into the Sunraysia Mallee area.
http://www.smeccinc.orgSustainable Business Australia (SBA) is a not-for-profit membership-based organisation which has no political ties.
SBA is Australia's peak body for the low- carbon and environmental goods and services sector. The organisation is also a think tank focusing on 'new markets, new industries and new jobs'.
The Sustainable Living Foundation is responsible for the Sustainable Living Festival. The Sustainable Living Festival aims to accelerate the uptake of sustainable living and seeks solutions to global warming that will return the planet to a safe climate as fast as humanly possible. The Festival raises awareness and provides tools for change by showcasing leading solutions to the ecological and social challenges we face. is a large and culturally diverse organisation. A desire to innovate and bring about positive change motivates our students and staff. The result is in an institution that grows and evolves each year. Tenants Union of Victoria was formed over 30 years ago to promote and protect the rights of tenants and residents in all forms of residential accommodation in Victoria. The Tenants Union aims to help individual tenants and work for social change to improve conditions for all tenants. Australia’s largest national education-oriented charity, we support disadvantaged Australian children to participate fully in their education, giving them the best chance at breaking the cycle of disadvantage. Sunrise Project seeks to educate, support and empower Australian communities to protect our land, water, community health and the global climate from the negative impacts of the fossil fuel industry, and to hasten the inevitable shift to an efficient, renewable energy economy. is a national, community-based, environmental advocacy organisation whose purpose is to protect, promote and restore wilderness and natural processes across Australia. Ecology is a Geelong- based architecture practice specialising in ecologically sustainable design that enhances and transforms the lives of our clients. Traralgon Uniting Church parish has five churches in the vicinity and provides devotional services at hostels and nursing homes. and Liberation Concern (TLC) is a Christian Church Community based in Bayswater North, Victoria. Uniting Church is a union of three churches: the Congregational Union of Australia, the Methodist Church of Australasia and the Presbyterian Church of Australia. University of Melbourne enjoys an outstanding reputation with world rankings consistently placing us as Australia’s leading comprehensive research-intensive university, and one of the world’s top 50. New Futures is a not-for-profit community organisation incorporating the Victorian Cooperative on Children's Services for Ethnic Groups (VICSEG Programs for Families, Children & Young People) and New Futures Training. Together we provide support and training to newly- arrived and recently settled migrant communities throughout the northern and western Melbourne regions. is a $15 billion strong profit to member superannuation fund with over 240,000 members and 21,000 participating employers. is an incorporated not-for-profit association providing support to people of Arabic-Speaking-Background communities in Victoria. Victorian Climate Action Network (VCAN)
is a communication network linking climate groups with groups campaigning on renewable energy, public transport, or coal and gas in Victoria.
VCOSS raises awareness of the existence, causes and effects of poverty and inequality, and contributes to initiatives seeking to create a more just society. Victorian Immigrant and Refugee Women's Coalition works collaboratively with refugee and migrant women’s organisations and groups to meet the objectives and goals of those groups and their constituents. VLGA is unique in Australia, being a peak body that has local government, community organisations and individuals making up our membership. VNPA is the leading voice for nature conservation in Victoria, and meets regularly with heads of government agencies and State Government ministers. Victorian Trades Hall Council helps organise activities and campaigns with and on behalf of affiliated unions. Trades Hall is comprised of 40 affiliated unions, representing approximately 430,000 members in Victoria. of the Valley is a community group established to protect and inform the Latrobe Valley Community following the Hazelwood coal mine fire. & Peninsula Protection Council was established in 1971. It seeks to engage in, support and promote: regional and local planning; conservation of natural resources; studies of the effects of pollution of all kinds; and the protection of the environmentof Westernport, the Mornington Peninsula and elsewhere.
http://www.wppcinc.orgWhittlesea Community Connections works to deliver essential services and supports to the most vulnerable individuals, families and communities Wimmera Mallee Sustainability Alliance is an alliance of six local governments with a number of local and state government authorities and educational institutions. It aims to improve sustainability in the Wimmera Mallee. Neighbourhood House provides a friendly, safe, caring, respectful and non-judgemental environment. It offers services and activities to those most in need in our community. Energy Foundation (YEF) is an independent, for-purpose organisation with a huge ambition – to achieve a zero carbon future in the City of Yarra. Plenty Regional Library provides library services to the municipalities of Banyule, Nillumbik and Whittlesea through nine branches and three mobile libraries. Yarra RiverkeeperAssociation aims to protect and restore the Yarra River and its tributaries, from source to mouth, for current and future generations. a retail water company, Yarra Valley Water provides water supply and sewerage services to over 1.5 million people who live and work in the Yarra River catchment area of Melbourne. moves info between your web apps automatically, so you can focus on your most important work. is building a global grassroots climate movement that can hold our leaders accountable to the realities of science and the principles of justice.
http://350.orgThe ATA promotes sustainable technology and practice as well as providing services to members who are actively walking the talk in their own homes. Victoria creates opportunities to transform futures. Everything we do is to protect, prevent & empower disadvantaged Victorian children, young people and families. is making energy efficiency central to our nation’s public policy debate and is creating real, measurable action amongst businesses and consumers. Communities Foundation uses its grantmaking expertise and in-depth knowledge of community issues to assist donors to develop strategic giving plans and make effective grants that meet their own charitable goals and address needs in the community. ACF is committed to inspiring people to achieve a healthy environment for all Australians by promoting solutions through research, consultation, education and partnerships. Ethical is a fund manager that offers ethical superannuation and managed funds and has specialised in ethical investment for over 23 years. Australian Youth Climate Coalition is building a generation-wide movement to solve the climate crisis. We run campaigns that inspire our generation to take action. Australia is a customer- owned bank offering banking products and services that support customers to achieve their financial goals while creating stronger communities and a healthier environment. Bank Australia supported the One Million Homes Alliance. Baw Baw Sustainability Network (BBSN) is working locally to promote and achieve sustainable living. Street works with children, young people and families with the most challenging and complex needs, including those for whom we are often the last resort. is an international environmental organisation. We incubate practical solutions to climate change using the inspiring One Planet Living framework and science-based behaviour change. helps you find and live your authentic brand so it is sustaining and sustainable.
http://www.michelhogan.comThe City of Brimbank is the second largest municipality in Melbourne with an area of 123 square kilometres and more than 170,000 residents. research, services and advocacy, the Brotherhood of St Laurence helps people experiencing disadvantage at all stages of life, empowering them to build a better future. CVGA is an incorporated association comprising 14 local governments, seven business, government and community organisations, and several working groups, covering 20 per cent of Victoria.
http://www.centralvictoriangreenhousealliance.orgThe Centre for Multicultural Youth is a Victorian not-for-profit organisation supporting young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds to build better lives in Australia. Church is a multi-site, Pentecostal megachurch located in Melbourne, Australia, with weekly services in the municipalities of Knox, Casey, Manningham and Whittlesea.
https://www.citylife.churchThe City of Yarra is one of Australia's smallest inner-city municipalities, comprising the former councils of
Collingwood, Richmond, Fitzroy (including North Carlton), and Northcote (Alphington and Fairfield, south of Heidelberg Road only.)
CWW provides drinking water, sewerage, trade waste and recycled water services to customers in Melbourne’s central business district, inner and western suburbs. is an alliance of over 65 regional, state and national environmental, health, community development, and research groups from throughout Australia. Neighbourhood House aims to promote the wellbeing of the Collingwood community by providing leadership and working collaboratively with individuals, families, agencies and other groups to develop and support initiatives and services that respond to the community’s needs.
http://www.cnh.bc.caCommunity Housing Federation of Victoria (CHFV) is dedicated to ensuring that all Victorians in housing need can gain access to secure, affordable long-term housing. Action Law Centre is a Melbourne-based consumer advocacy and campaigning organisation that provides free and independent legal assistance and financial counselling. is an independent consumer advocacy organisation and was established to ensure the representation of Victorian consumers in policy and regulatory debates on electricity, gas and water. Community is about people, communities, gardening, farming, the environment and food. Our mission is to work with diverse communities to create fair, secure and resilient food systems. City of Darebin stretches from Melbourne’s inner northern suburbs of Northcote and Fairfield out to the traditional middle ring suburbs of Reservoir and Bundoora. Information Volunteer Resource Service is a not-for-profit volunteer- driven organisation that delivers free services and programs for vulnerable populations in Darebin, reducing financial crisis, social isolation and barriers to accessing community information., also known as Geelong Ethnic Communities Council, is a not-for-profit community service group with a core set of services and business operations that support the multicultural communities and the disadvantaged in the region. Community and Education Services is a Registered Training Organisation that provides students with training that results in qualifications and statements of attainment that are recognised and accepted by industry and other educational institutions throughout Australia. for the Environment is a voluntary organisation of medical doctors working to address the diseases – local, national and global – caused by damage to the earth’s environment. is an energy and thermal efficiency retrofit business. Our expertise spans: tailored thermal efficiency assessments; professional draught proofing; secondary glazing; and ceiling, underfloor and wall insulation. ETU represents members working in the electrical and communications contracting industry, power, manufacturing, education, hospitality, aerospace, food and other industries. for the People was established in 2012 with the vision of helping to create and inspire a new energy market, which works for the people, by the people. offer energy efficiency services designed for residential, commercial and government. Environmental Farmers Network seeks to improve the environmental health of private and public land in farming areas. Justice Australia is a not-for-profit public interest legal practice. Our legal team combines a passion for justice with technical expertise and a practical understanding of the legal system. We value our independence, so we’re funded by concerned citizens, not big business. Environmental Film Festival Australia began in 2010 (as EFF Melbourne) with a vision to inform, engage and inspire on the environmental issues that affect us today. In 2015 the EFFM became EFFA and will visit Melbourne, Canberra and Hobart. Flemington Association is a residents' action and support group based on the suburb of Flemington in Melbourne's inner north west. of the Earth Australia is a federation of independent local groups working for a socially equitable and environmentally sustainable future. is one of Australia's largest campaigning communities, with over 1 million members. We're an independent, grassroots, community advocacy organisation that seeks to build a more progressive Australia and hold politicians to account. Water delivers reliable, high-quality water, wastewater and waste recovery services to ensure social, environmental and economic benefits to domestic and commercial clients across Central Gippsland. is an incorporated not-for-profit network of approximately 50 diverse member organisations. Plains is a vibrant and progressive municipality situated between Geelong, Ballarat and Melbourne, offering residents and businesses access to the city services while enjoying a country lifestyle. is the web design studio of Colette Watson. Goodling designs and builds websites for a range of clients and is housed at The Compound Interest in Collingwood. Goulburn Valley Environment Group is a not-for-profit community environment and conservation organisation based in the Goulburn Valley in northern Victoria. is an independent campaigning organisation that uses direct action to expose global environmental problems and to force solutions essential to a green and peaceful future.
http://www.greenpeace.orgThe Hamer Family Fund, through the
Australian Communities Foundation, supports: the performing arts, especially music; innovation in care for the environment; and projects that advance good government.
Hepburn Wind is the owner and operator of Australia’s first community-owned wind farm, at Leonards Hill, about 100km north-west of Melbourne, just south of Daylesford Victoria. is an independent, Australian- owned and managed outdoor advertising company. Islamic Council of Victoria (ICV) is the peak body for Muslim organisations in Victoria. The ICV represents Victoria’s more than 150,000 Muslims, through its 47 member organisations located throughout metropolitan Melbourne and rural Victoria. Our vision is to build a better community for all Australians through the empowerment of Muslims in Victoria. Change was established to improve equity through energy efficiency. The Just Change Pilot retrofitted 10 low-income rental properties - at no cost to the tenant or owner - in metropolitan Melbourne. UnitingCare is an innovative and trusted community service organisation within one of Australia’s largest welfare networks, UnitingCare Australia – an agency of the Uniting Church. Kurnai College all members of our community are focused on their own learning and on supporting the learning of others. Lalor Living & Learning Centre is a community- run incorporated association based in northern Melbourne. We have been providing quality adult education for our local area for over 25 years.