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Woori Yallock Creek

The Woori Yallock Creek is a tributary of the Yarra River and provides vital water inflows.

Woori Yallock Creek

  • The Woori Yallock Creek nourishes the habitat of some of Victoria’s most significant wildlife and underpins valuable agricultural and tourism industries in the Yarra Valley.
  • The catchment is home to Victoria’s last wild population of the Helmeted Honeyeater. This critically endangered bird lives at the Yellingbo Reserve, which is also home to a small population of Leadbeaters possum. The fact that these species survive at all is due to a huge volunteer effort and significant government investment.
  • The health of riverside vegetation is of serious concern as the catchment’s landscape has been heavily modified for agriculture and has become degraded. Livestock are being removed from river banks in the Yellingbo area but still have access elsewhere. Water quality is also an issue  as there are high levels of nutrient runoff into the Creek.

People who love and depend on the Woori Yallock Creek have many memories and insights to share – of the crystal clear water, of reconnecting young people to nature, and of discovering symbiosis in action.

Take a minute and explore the Woori Yallock Creek through the eyes of these river champions…